Monday 14 October 2024

Chain Of Gold Review

Non spoiler:
What can I say jumping back into the Shadowhunter world was just what I needed. The story is so exciting and the world building is amazing. I know Cassandra Clare's work and she never seems to dissapoint. I would recommend the first book of this series and I'm so happy to carry on to the next book. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amazing, entertaining and so enjoyable! 

Spoiler time:
Cordelia is my new favourite Shadowhunter, she was kick ass and I felt she was so supportive with every other character. I love how accepting she is with James. I feel like Cassandra really wove acceptance of everyone's sexuality in the story but it wasn't too much. 

It all starts with a huge demon attack where lots of the younger Shadowhunters are hurt and there's a special poison in there bite which infects the Shadowhunters in a different way. Then everywhere is shut down, no portals are allowed to be used and everything just seemed chaotic. The story is filled with adventure, friendship and heartbreak; all whilst trying to find a cure for the demon poison which is killing a lot of the Shadowhunters. 
The fact that in the end James does the almighty task of marrying and saving Cordelia's reputation. It was a bitter sweet ending. 

There were 3 characters I couldn't stand Grace, Charles and Tatiana. Even though the characters were not my cup of tea doesn't mean they were written amazingly I'm hoping they might be in the next book and they grow as characters, I might then change my opinion of them. 

Cassandra Clare's writing is just impeccable and the whole story from start to finish was just an amazing ride! I just find her writing so easy to read and the story unfolds beautifully, if you haven't read her other books I would recommend doing so first as there are a few connections to previous books. Overall this book was an amazing start to this series, go and get your copy ASAP. 

Thursday 12 October 2023

A Court Of Silver And Flames

 My star rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

How could I not give this book 5 stars? I loved it and hated it to be 100% honest with you. The story whilst it kept me entertained it was very repetitive and dragged out a little until the end of the book. Basically towards the last 300 pages, things start to change and you go on lots of adventures. I know that may seem a little contradictory but the story just all of a sudden takes off with adventure and feels like a true fantasy book. There were many surprises along the way that keep you hooked the very last page.

I loved learning more about Nesta I always felt I really related to her as a character. Her character development was second to none, some of the emotional scenes really made my eyes well up. There's moments where her real kindness comes into play and it was so refreshing to see and that she still had that bad ass attitude. 

Cassian, Cassian, Cassian. What can I say I fell in love with him all over again in this book. His witty comments, will not to give up on Nessa and his character development was very powerfully written. He really makes Rhysand, for me, not as good as we all thought. 

I'm glad this book put Feyre and Rhysand on the back burner and we got to learn more about everyone else. There was moments in the book especially towards the end where I really was jumping up and down in my seat. I was filled with excitement and adrenaline. So much happened in such a short time and you do sort of clench at the end wondering what the outcome may be. 

The writing style was classic Sarah J Maas so if you have read her other works you sort of expect what's going to happen, especially when to rivals come together. I loved the sense of feminism in this book there was some really strong female characters that I don't think I'll be forgetting in a hurry. 

I would definitely recommend this series as a whole don't be put off by the sheer size of them. Also with the first book in the series it can be slow and overwhelming I promise you hang in there and it just gets so good! 

If you don't like major smut and sizzle then I wouldn't recommend this to you. 

Thank you for reading, 

Love becky. 

Saturday 7 October 2023

House Of Earth And Blood by Sarah J. Maas

My rating: ★★★★☆ 4 out of 5 stars. 

What can I say Bryce was a brilliant main character who I think a lot of people want to be friends with, this being the main reason I loved this book.
I loved the friendship side of this book and Sarah's way of writing fantasy is right up my street. Although I did enjoy the heat between the lovers but I'm getting a little bit bored of the hype and intensity of romance in novels. Is it just me? 

The book follows Bryce and Hunt with some other great characters. They're investigating a murder that happened a few years ago when new information comes about. The twist at the end is great I love it and I can't wait for the next one. 

One thing about the book is it is very up and down, it felt so emotional at points and then all of a sudden you would crash back down again. Sarah is very good at making you feel so connected towards the characters, I didn't find one that I didn't enjoy. 

The book was hard for me to read purely because I'm not a fantasy reader, until now. The world building was completely different for me and very intricate. I really loved it the writing but found it really hard not to skip these bits as I like fast paced stories and the dialogue. 

I really enjoyed the different types of mythical creatures living in harmony within reason, it was nice to see the different interactions and how much the world spun right round and everything changed. Some of the scenes were really hard to read because you get attached to the characters. The one scene that got me emotionally involves Hunt, he sacrificed a lot and I think its safe to say I enjoyed his character a lot. 

I would recommend this book especially if you have read any of the other books by Sarah J. Maas. Also I would recommend if your looking to get into fantasy with a bit of romance and have a little bit of patience. 

Thank you for reading, 

*Image not mine, found on google house of earth and blood - Google Search *

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella (no spoilers)

Hello guys! How are you? As you can see I’m a little behind on reviewing all the books I have read recently oops! But moving swiftly past this as you can see I’m reviewing Finding Audrey and if you haven’t read it here’s a quick non spoiler review:

Non spoiler review

I have never read a Sophie Kinsella book before so I can’t really compare it but I imagine they are all very similar. The reason I picked up this book was solely its premise. I suffer from anxiety and just wanted to see how well Sophie had addressed the issue. Let me tell you know I was very happy and part of the book actually made me feel a little anxious but I reminded myself it’s just in the book.

The story starts off with Audrey who struggles with Agoraphobia which essentially means she can’t leave the house or her “safe place”. She’s your typical teenager otherwise has arguments with her family especially her brother and they sit down to eat together and watch movies together. When Linus appears it’s all a bit too much for Audrey and consequently runs off and tries to get back to her safe place. Audrey does manage to see a therapist and I think it’s nice that Sophie has shown someone with a mental illness getting help and talking about how she’s feeling. *if you are suffering yourself please talk to someone, anyone will listen*
Eventually Audrey trusts Linus and her life sort of does a u turn but not everything turns out great, in fact just like a lot of people Audrey has a few relapses.

The book is just all consuming and it didn’t take me long to read it at all. Audrey is so relatable for me the way she thinks about dangers and conquers some of those fears. I also liked Audrey’s brother as he had a very relaxed way of approaching Audrey; it kind of reminded me of my 3 brothers. They never really knew how to handle my anxiety or panic attacks. Overall it has a beautiful story, lovely characters and I loved the setting.

I would definitely recommend this book for anyone that wants a light read with a touch of mental illness thrown in. I honestly enjoyed consuming this book and it only took me a few days!
Now onto my next book which is The Priory Of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon.

Thanks for reading guys!
Love Becky.

Friday 1 March 2019

endometriosis awareness


It’s been a while since I’ve posted simply because I’ve been really lazy! But I’ve been waiting all year to do this post 😁 

Moving onto what I’m actually writing about. It’s officially endometriosis awareness month! Raising awareness about this illness is very important to me and we need to find a cure. When women go through these pains are awful and so debilitating. 

• 1 in 10 women of reproductive age in the UK suffer from endometriosis. 
• Endometriosis is the second most common gynaecological condition in the UK.
• The cause of endometriosis is unknown and there is no definite cure.


• Pain with intercourse. Pain during or after sex is common with endometriosis.

• Pain with bowel movements or urination. You're most likely to experience these symptoms during your period.

• Excessive bleeding. You may experience occasional heavy periods (menorrhagia) or bleeding between periods (menometrorrhagia).

• Infertility. Endometriosis is first diagnosed in some women who are seeking treatment for infertility.

• Other symptoms. You may also experience fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or nausea, especially during menstrual periods.


It took me over a decade to get diagnosed with endometriosis. It all started with heavy periods, headaches and excruciating cramps; but because of my age they put it down to normal cycles for me. I was put on pill after pills without really having any answers. It wasn’t until I was hospitalised they realised this needed more investigation. They finally sent me to a gynaecologist and he was brilliant! He finally gave me something to look forward to. A diagnosis. My story is a little different as he offered to just start treatment straight away but as I was in so much pain I begged him to do the operation. It still took me 4 months of pain to wait for my operation. Once the operation was completed I was sent home and I felt like a new women little did I know my story wasn’t finished. My endometriosis operation failed terribly and my battle goes on. 

If you do have endometriosis keep fighting you are strong and even though there isn’t a cure yet one day there will be! 
And if you do suspect you have endometriosis go and get checked out as it is not an easy thing to live with. There are so many treatment options, they may just work for you.

#endometriosisawareness #endometriosis #raisingawareness #painfulperiods 

Tuesday 20 March 2018

When We Collided by Emery Lord

I honestly didn’t expect much from this book at all as the first time I tried to read it I couldn’t, lol. So if you haven’t read this book it’s full of adventure, chaotic ness and growth. I would recommend it to anyone that’s been through tough times in there lives. One warning the ending doesn’t go the way you might want it to! So I’d rate it 5 out of 5 stars.

Review (spoilers)
So Jonah is taking care of his brother and sisters (littles) due to his father passing away from a heart problem. He has help from his other older siblings but definitely takes on more than he should. His poor mum is dealing with PTSD after the death of her husband. She is disfunctional and oblivious to all the chaos she is causing.

Then we meet Vivi who seems to be struggling with a mental health issue which is bipolar, she thinks she can live her life without the medication. She is full of life and wants to forget about her suicide attempt due to a manic episode. 

When the two of them meet they don’t hit it off as quick as you’d think or expect in a typical romance novel. It takes lots of time. Vivi was brilliant with Leah who is Jonah’s youngest sister. She falls in love with Vivi. They go through lots of challenges, Vivi wants to do “crazy” things and Jonah can’t do things due to being tied down. 

I think most of the novel is about two people who hav different problems and how they come together. But I also think it’s about how they make each other grow. Jonah concentrates on himself and his dads cafe where as Vivi prepares to look after herself and get better. When she goes into her mania episode I could feel every emotion she was going through and Emery Lord did a fantastic job of being informative and non judgemental. I would love to see this book get the recognition it deserves. 

I hope you enjoyed my review, sorry it’s been so long!
Love, Becky.

Tuesday 12 December 2017


I absolutely love the show friends! I am utterly obsessed with it. This year alone I have watched the whole of the series twice this year! When I was pregnant with my son I loved curling up with partner to watch endless amounts of episodes. Every time he traveled to us he’d just say “friends” and it was perfect. I must admit if you watch too many episodes it does get a little bit repetitive. Friends taught me a lot; I think a lot of people would benefit from watching them.

My favourite character has to be Phoebe simply because she’s so free spirited and doesn’t care about what people think. I’m hoping to keep heading towards her personality but I don’t want to change my personality at all. I think my favourite episode is the one where Monica and Chandler bring home the twins! Joe’s face is just priceless. When I was younger I used to like the episode where they have thanksgiving and the Gellers get really competitive in a football game. 

Here’s some facts! No idea if they’re true can’t always trust the internet. 

  1. The role of Ross was written for David Schwimmer.
  2. The opening credits were shot at Warner Bros. studio, not in New York.
  3. Lisa Kudrow hated playing guitar at first.
  4. Bruce Willis appeared on the show for free after losing a bet to Perry.

I hope you enjoyed! 
Love, Becky. 

Chain Of Gold Review

Non spoiler: What can I say jumping back into the Shadowhunter world was just what I needed. The story is so exciting and the wo...