Tuesday 31 January 2017

It's Okay To Not Be Okay

I've been staring at this screen for ages just trying to figure out why I do the things I do. When I first found out about blogs, amazing books and all the platforms that are available to someone who loves to share their opinion and love of books I was taken back as to how many people were already doing it. I blog about many things from books to movies, mental health and general life problems. As you can probably see there aren't many posts on here and that is just because of some idiot which I have no time to waste on.

I've now been blogging for 3 years and it's been incredible. I have met and spoken to so many amazing authors who have given me advice about my own work. I've made many, many friends that I have yet to meet and that's okay. This is the biggest reward I get from sharing my opinion and I can't thank you people enough. There are so many supporters around and at first it can be really scary. All you have to remember is be yourself, genuine and think that everyone started from the bottom once in their life.

I do have Instagram and it is so much fun seeing everyone's images, different interpretations on all sorts of subjects. If you have an account comment down below and I'll follow you, I'm always looking for new people to check out! 

Image result for i can do this gif

You're probably wondering what the hell I am on about. I've had a rough couple of days, you won't know this but I live with my parents and my mother has a serious condition. It is self inflicted so no sympathy to her. I was so lucky to have Dave with me because I don't think I would have been able to cope it was a push too far for me. I would just like to know if you guys have any means of keeping focused. Sometimes I forget to relax and do my own thing and I think that's where this blog comes in really handy.

If you are going through a dark time I would recommend starting a blog, even if you don't publish it to the world, it helps get things off your chest and you can connect with other people. Sometimes you need a total stranger to make yourself feel better. Basically what I'm saying is if you need someone to rant to or blow off what's going on in your head then please feel free to email, direct message me or comment on one of my Instagram pictures saying you need help and I will get in touch with you however I can.

Love, Becky.

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A Court Of Silver And Flames

 My star rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ How could I not give this book 5 stars? I loved it and hated it to be 100% honest with you. The story whilst it ...